Knowledge Base

The home of documentation for the Narrative Driven Design

Narrative is where conversations spark innovation and evolve into detailed specifications. Our platform elegantly simplifies the journey from ideation to actionable blueprints, eliminating the need for cumbersome processes. It unites teams under a shared vision, directly translating dialogue into a cohesive narrative of your system. Embrace the transformative power of Narrative, where every discussion is a step closer to realization, seamlessly bridging thoughts to structured outcomes.


Getting Started

How to do NDD with Miro

How to do NDD with Miro

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Introduction to NDD

Introduction to NDD

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How to do NDD with Narrative

How to do NDD with Narrative

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How to do NDD with a whiteboard


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NDD process in 2 minutes

Learn the essence of NDD in 2 minutes

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NDD Facilitation Partners and Services

NDD Facilitation Partners and Services

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NDD Facilitation Tips

A helpful set of tips that can help you facilitate NDD sessions successfully

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NDD Facilitation Play-by-Play

A first person perspective on leading an NDD session

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Architect resources

How to use NDD w/Existing Projects

How to use NDD w/Existing Projects

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How NDD Works at Scale

How NDD Works at Scale

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Anti Patterns

Anti Patterns

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Single Source of Truth

Single Source of Truth

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Architect's Subscript Guide

Architect's Subscript Guide

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NDD and the Supergraph

A brief explanation of how NDD helps supergraph teams

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About NDD



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A handy glossary of NDD terms

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How NDD originated

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